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Baby Care Basics for your new baby

The basics of infant care is not something I think about while pregnant. I distinctly remember when I got home from the hospital with my little bundle of joy first. It was a sunny morning but a cold in December. We spent a lot of time in the hospital busied himself with the car seat and commute his clothes, complete with a coat of winter snow. I'm tired and sore but very happy. I walk three flights steps with my episiotomy stitches of interest along the way, want to get my baby in my house.
The funny thing about the whole day is that once we finally do jump through all the hoops and cross all the hurdles and reached our house wondering what to do next. As he sat sleeping in his car seat in the middle of the living room floor, my husband and I debated and finally debating what to do with it. Should we lay on her new bed? Should we eat anymore? Maybe he should have a change of clothes. Finally he woke up crying, give us the opportunity to try all of our new parenting skills.
The good news is that taking care of basic needs of infants, especially as a newborn, is very simple. I have put together a group of instruction on the basics of baby care for your new baby from bathing to diapers, from meals hold. From this article you can get a sense of the basic care of newborn babies, whether it's your first or your fifth. (This applies to fathers and mothers!)
Changing diapers is probably the most dreaded of all baby care activities. The truth of the matter is that the diaper has gotten a lot easier as the years have passed. No matter if you use cloth or disposable diapers, they are easier to use and save more with leakage less than even 10 years ago.
Disposable Diapers
Disposable diapers are everywhere. There are many brands to choose from in various fees and features. But the basics of how to get the diaper on the baby are the same.
Gather your supplies. The first step to prepare for. Gather a few diapers, wipes, ointments ... whatever you will need to change the baby. For security reasons you do not want to look for something with a wiggly baby's waiting for you. I also always open to remove or two and have it open and laid out ready for use.
Lay the baby down. Most people have a special area for changing diapers. It can change the table or changing pad. If you have a table, be sure to use a rope to the safety of the baby. Never leave your baby unattended while changing him. Loosen the old diaper, but do not pull it out from under the baby yet. This allows for some margin of safety in case of cold inspired air to release the baby.
Wait! Hold the baby's ankles and gently lift under them and began to wash them down with a tissue. If this area is very dirty you can use the front of the old diaper to remove part of clutter. When you are finished with each remove, gently place it under the baby (clean side) for easier cleaning. When the baby's skin clean diapers and wipes pull out from under the baby and set aside.
Fresh & Clean Place a new diaper, clean and safe under the baby fasteners. If you still have a baby, you may need to be folded the top of the diaper to make a living from the umbilical cord. Do not be afraid to pull the diaper on snuggly. If you have it too loose ... Well, you can imagine the mess that makes!
Clean up after putting back baby clothes, diapers take longer and use fasteners to make it into a small ball, criss-crossing fasteners. Place in a diaper pail or trash. I always keep a container of liquid disinfectant at the table I changed to use on my hands. Then I hand the baby to someone else or put him in the sink and wash hands.
Cloth Diapers
Gone are the days of diaper pins and baby Wiggly. Now you only have to contend with a wiggly baby! Cloth diapers have become very user friendly. Many now what we call All in Ones (AIO). This means that they are simply used as disposable diapers. They fasten with Velcro ®.
Other cloth diaper is used as disposables, although you may need to fold or use diapers prefolded followed by a cover which is usually fastened with Velcro ® for waterproof covering. Both varieties can be done at home or with a diaper service if available in your area.
Bathing baby is one of my favorite activities. It can be as great relaxing time for you and your baby. Children who are older are also happy to help if your baby is not the first on the block. Here are the basics of baby shower a few. Remember to talk with your baby as you bathe. If you are not sure what to say, just tell them, step-by-step what you do. They love this interaction and it stimulates their brains and make them feel more comfortable. Baby Shower
Gather your supplies. Being prepared is usually the first step with anything related to baby! So, collecting towels, wash cloths, any soap or lotion that you intend to use.
In the bathroom was not. No matter what form of bath you use, whether it is ordinary bath tub, baby tub or container, the water must be shallow and just the right temperature about 100 degrees Fahrenheit. Many people suggest testing the water with your wrist, the more sensitive areas of the skin. You also want to make sure that no matter what room you are warm enough and free from rubbish.
Path Tease Now it's time to dress your baby. Talking with your baby while you undress them. Hold tight and make them feel safe. If you have a baby who really hates to be naked, try doing a sponge bath for the first few weeks, and slowly remove their clothes and wrapped them in towels, and only revealed when washing your part. Generally you can graduate to a regular tub at a later stage.
Fresh & Clean Place the baby in the tub, but always stick with one hand for safety. Use your other hand, small or servant, to take a wash cloth and began to wash the baby. Remember to start with the face and neck and make the diaper area last. Many baby soap can be used in their hair. You also have the option to not use soap on baby's delicate skin.
All done! After the baby is washed, wrap him or her in a towel and leave things to clean the bathroom later. Use a towel to dry the baby off. You can, if you want, use lotion on baby after a bath, although not necessary for most babies. Put a clean diaper and clothes on the baby. After the baby is asleep or with someone else, you can then clean toiletries.
Alternative Ways Baby Shower
As with all things there is always more than one way to do it! While the above is the traditional way that many people use to bathe their babies, there are alternatives. Good to use is actually bringing a baby into the tub with you. This is especially good if the baby is very fussy or ill. They love skin to skin contact. You simply cradle the baby in your lap and bathe them. When you are finished, you can hand the baby to the other adults and finish bathing and caring for a baby or get out. It is also a great technique for that infants who have difficulty sticking to the breast. Water and skin contact can be enough to help them relax and nurse more effectively.
Breastfeeding your baby is more than just nutrition, it's also about nurturing and comfort. Using mealtimes to make eye contact and hold your baby is a great way to increase the bonding time. This is also the perfect time to talk with your child. This applies to breast or bottle milk.
Baby Breast Feeding
Choose a position. You can choose the position you want to nurse, whether that be sitting or lying position. This should be one that gives you the best feeding position for your baby and their needs. This can vary with infant age, your comfort level and even time. Many people use the cradle hold, with mother sitting up straight, holding the baby like a cradle. This allows you to hold the baby with one hand and use the other to support or move your breast.
Need a ride? No matter what position you decide, get some support! A breastfeeding pillow or use a couch or bed pillows to help you hold the baby up will save strain on the neck and back. Ask for help from others if you are just learning.
A good placement of the baby latch is one of the most important parts of breastfeeding comfortably. It went straight back into a good position the baby. Your baby should be belly to belly with your chin to breast. If babies have their heads bent or changed to make it not only more difficult for them to get milk, but it could make your nipples sore.
Latch! Use one hand to cup your breasts and offer to baby. Baby should open his mouth wide enough to take a good portion of the network areola (the dark part of breast) into the mouth. When the baby it draws them closer to the breasts and watching them nurse.
What to look for! While baby is nursing you want to find some things to make sure all is well. Babies should have their lips flared around the breast. If you pull the lower lip down slightly (while they are nursing) the tongue should be curled around the breast. You can also hear the baby swallowing normally and watch their ears wiggling when actively nursing.
All done! When the baby needs to rest, it's time to change sides or is finished, simply slip a finger in the corner of their mouth gently break the suction. If you do not do this, you will cause yourself a lot of pain. You can then offer the other side follow the same steps.
Eating Baby Bottle
Be prepared Have a bottle of breast milk or infant formula at the temperature you prefer.! It can even be room temperature. It is important that you do not microwave the bottle, as this will cause hot spots that can burn your baby, even though you may have tested the liquid.
Get a handle. Hold the baby in your lap with their head in the crook of your arm. Be sure to switch sides, as you would feed to provide them with enough stimulation from both sides of their brains.
Go for it! When the baby turned into a root and open their mouth, insert the nipple into the mouth of the bottle. Putting should be filled with liquid. A half-filled nipple will cause the baby to swallow too much air can cause gas and then. To end the breast or bottle to remove, simply pull the bottle from the baby's mouth.
Some additional tips for milk bottles, including not using half the bottle is used. If the baby does not finish the bottle you can not save it. So the store breast milk in small amounts, like 2 ounces. Or fix the formula in the same amount. This is to prevent waste. You should also never prop the bottle. This can cause the baby to choke and lose their physical contact they crave. ASI will remain in the refrigerator for three days, and 3-6 months in the freezer. Formula lasts about 2 days in refrigerator. It's also important not to water to the milk formula to stretch. This can cause the baby to be not getting enough nutrients and holds the baby is a fun "job." I love doing! Many people claim that they could hold the baby for hours. While this is true, there are many ways to hold the baby. There are also times where you need to do other things while holding a baby or have a special hold to help babies who are not feeling well, etc.
Holding the Baby
Cradle Hold Cradling the baby is very natural and simple. Place the baby's head in the crook of one arm and wrap your other hand around the baby or hold the original sleeve with the second arm. This is a great position to talk with or see their babies. Many babies sleep very well in this position. It's also a good beginner position, especially for young children or relatives.
Belly Hold This is a great position for babies bloated! Lay your baby chest-down one of your arms. Use your other hand to lay on the back of the baby to hold them securely. You can also do this on your lap or use them for burp. One variation is to place his hand between her legs to support the baby for a more secure grip. I find this depends on how long your arm!
Hold your hips After the baby has some good head and neck control, holding your hips are large, one armed technique. Sit baby on one hip bone to the outside and wrapped his arms the same side of the waist baby. This is a great way for baby to look around and not give you a free hand!
Shoulder Hold I find this to be another natural way to keep the baby. Baby leaning on the shoulder and the arm on the same side, wrapped around the baby's bottom. Use the other arm to hold the baby's back and / or to support their neck. Baby sleep well in this position as well. It also allows them to hear the heartbeat and breathing.
Sling sling degree is a great device that allows you to carry your baby hands free. Babies can be located at many positions, including positions for discrete nursing. A sling is also very useful for parents multiples, as he had been advised to carry two or more babies in your arms without using something such as a sling for fear you might fall.
Posted in: Children
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